How to Interpret Distance-Time and Speed-Time Graphs

How to Interpret Distance-Time and Speed-Time Graphs

How to Interpret Distance-Time and Speed-Time Graphs Do your students need practice interpreting distance-time graphs and speed-time graphs as part of your motion and forces unit? By the time your students finish this activity called Interpreting Distance-Time Graphs and Speed-Time Graphs Unit, they will have a good understanding how to read the slope on a…

Teach Science with Dollar Store Classroom Supplies!

Teach Science with Dollar Store Classroom Supplies!

Teach Science with Dollar Store Classroom Supplies! Are you teaching science with a very limited budget for your classroom supplies? Do you want to do lab activities but are afraid to use up all of your funds? I always hit Dollar Stores first for classroom supplies! You may never need to order anything else. Here…

13 Ways Using Photography Helps You Teach Science

13 Ways Using Photography Helps You Teach Science

13 Ways Using Photography Helps You Teach Science How can you increase comprehension and retention in science class?  A picture is worth a thousand words! Students are already immersed in a world of photographs and quick videos. It is literally how they communicate now. Why not speak their language? There are many ways to utilize photography in…

Collecting pond water

Identifying Pond Water Microorganisms as Bioindicators

Identifying Pond Water Microorganisms as Bioindicators Have you been wanting to look at pond water with your students, but you struggle with identifying microorganisms? Do you need to know which creatures are tolerant to pollution, and which aren’t, but don’t have time to research? I have drawn 46 common macro and microorganisms that you are…

How to Introduce the Characteristics of Living Things

How to Introduce the Characteristics of Living Things

How to Introduce the Characteristics of Living Things Do you find that students struggle with being able to determine the basic characteristics of living things?  Even in middle school, students have a hard time distinguishing the differences between a living versus a non-living structure. It is better to deal with any misconceptions first, using engaging activities,…

Science projects

Science Projects-10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Assigning One

Science Projects-10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Assigning One Are you eager to do a science project with your middle school students, but you’re worried about (1)how much time it takes, (2)the classroom noise level, (3)the lack of accountability and (4)if it’s even worthwhile? Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before you assign a…

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal Why should you keep a teacher journal? Do you scribble notes in your lesson planner about what you taught each day, but never go back and read them? Are you having trouble remembering what you taught to each of your many classes last week? Do you…