10 Environmental Activities for Earth Day or Every Day

10 Environmental Activities for Earth Day or Every Day

10 Environmental Activities for Earth Day or Every Day What are you doing for Earth Day? Are you looking for activities to help the students bring environmental conservation into their own lives? Every day should be Earth Day, but these ten activities will start great discussions as students celebrate environmental awareness.  1. Create a Giant…

Plate tectonics

Move the Plates! Teaching Plate Tectonics is Fun

Move the Plates! Teaching Plate Tectonics is Fun Are you teaching plate tectonics and looking for a way for students to manipulate the plates while learning the types of boundaries? Would you like a digital component to add to your earth science unit? Utilizing plate tectonic drag and drop activities with Google Earth analysis helps…

Digital Science Notebook Rubric


When it comes time to grade your digital science notebook this makes it so much easier! I send this to the students, in the beginning of the creation of their notebooks, so that they understand the expectations. I have them put this on the first slide of their Google Slides Notebook(after the title page) and then when it comes time for me to grade I simply circle the categories that apply!

Freebie: Free lab report template

Lab Report Template

Basic report template for pulling together a lab after completion. Have students form a question, purpose and hypothesis and then draw conclusions to keep track during a unit. Having this accountability assures that you know who understood the lab and allow students to study from the procedure later.