Science bellringers

6 Types of Science Bellringers to Start Your Class

6 Types of Science Bellringers to Start Your Class The first three to five minutes of your class are the most critical. Science bellringers, warm ups, or starters, are highly effective in terms of bringing the students to order. These activities help gather the student’s focus and get them organized. The first few minutes of…

Science classroom inventory

20 Tips For Doing Your End of Year Science Classroom Inventory

20 Tips For Doing Your End of Year Science Classroom Inventory Are you overwhelmed by the task of the end of year science classroom inventory that is hanging over your head before summer break? No matter how tempted you are to just lock the door of the science classroom and “deal with it in August”,…

Teach Science with Dollar Store Classroom Supplies!

Teach Science with Dollar Store Classroom Supplies!

Teach Science with Dollar Store Classroom Supplies! Are you teaching science with a very limited budget for your classroom supplies? Do you want to do lab activities but are afraid to use up all of your funds? I always hit Dollar Stores first for classroom supplies! You may never need to order anything else. Here…

13 Ways Using Photography Helps You Teach Science

13 Ways Using Photography Helps You Teach Science

13 Ways Using Photography Helps You Teach Science How can you increase comprehension and retention in science class?  A picture is worth a thousand words! Students are already immersed in a world of photographs and quick videos. It is literally how they communicate now. Why not speak their language? There are many ways to utilize photography in…

Science projects

Science Projects-10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Assigning One

Science Projects-10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Assigning One Are you eager to do a science project with your middle school students, but you’re worried about (1)how much time it takes, (2)the classroom noise level, (3)the lack of accountability and (4)if it’s even worthwhile? Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before you assign a…

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal Why should you keep a teacher journal? Do you scribble notes in your lesson planner about what you taught each day, but never go back and read them? Are you having trouble remembering what you taught to each of your many classes last week? Do you…

Websites for science teachers

A List of Super Websites for Science Teachers

A List of Super Websites for Science Teachers Are you looking for a great websites to use while teaching middle school science? Are you overwhelmed with trying to decide which ones are actually useful? I have used a lot of science websites since I started using digital science notebooks, plus I asked a lot of…

Science classroom closet

Basic Supplies You Need in Your Science Classroom

Basic Supplies You Need in Your Science Classroom Are you just starting out as a middle school science teacher and not sure what classroom supplies you should have on hand? Did you inherit a classroom from another teacher and you need to start from scratch? Here are what I would consider the basics that every…

Parent conferences

Strategies for Successful Parent Teacher Conferences

Strategies for Successful Parent Teacher Conferences Does the idea of parent conferences give you anxiety and a lack of confidence? Even veteran teachers can be nervous before and during parent teacher conferences! We will discuss ways to make sure you come out looking like the professional that you are, while building relationships with the important…

Tips for discipline

10 Tips to Prevent Discipline Problems in Your Classroom

10 Tips to Prevent Discipline Problems in Your Classroom Are you nervous about starting the school year teaching middle school and worried about having discipline problems? Does having the students out of their seats during hands on activities intimidate you? Here are some suggestions on ways to alleviate any major discipline issues BEFORE they develop. Discipline…