Teaching a unit are newtons three laws of motion. Science by Sinai

Teaching a Unit on Newton’s Laws of Motion

Teaching a Unit on Newton’s Laws of Motion Are you teaching a unit on Newton’s Laws of Motion as part of your MS- PS2–1 or MS- PS2–2? Are you struggling to come up with ideas to help students understand how the laws apply to their everyday life? My focus, during my two to three week unit…

12 ways to use sort cards in the science room- science by sinai

12 Ways to Use Sort Cards in the Science Classroom

12 Ways to Use Sort Cards in the Science Classroom Do you need some ways to use sort cards in the science room to get the students engaged while learning concepts?  I used to believe that matching sort game cards were for the younger classes. Once I started using them with my middle school students,…

Teaching students organizational skills science by sinai

Teaching Students Organizational Skills

Teaching Students Organizational Skills Teaching students organizational skills is critical and will stay with students long after their time in your classroom. I have often had alumni students come back to tell me how much they appreciated my “forcing them“ to do proper Cornell notes and to keep an organized notebook. They tell me that…

What colleges never told you about being a teacher -Science by Sinai

72 Tips Your College Never Told You About Being A Teacher

72 Tips Your College Never Told You About Being A Teacher What your college never told you about teaching is a lot! Are you a newer teacher? You have probably realized that teachers are basically expected to “learn on the job” in many essential areas. Unless you have a full time mentor teacher, it can…

Math phobia science by sinai

How to Overcome Math Phobia in Science Class!

How to Overcome Math Phobia in Science Class! Do your students have math phobia? When you’re introducing an equation or a calculation, in science class, do they freeze up? Are students having trouble applying what they are learning in math class to your science class? Many students, who love science, are not so fond of…

First day of school in middle school science. Sciencebysinai.com

First Day of School in Middle School Science

First Day of School in Middle School Science What do you do on the first day of middle school science? What do you need to cover to be successful for the rest of the year? I have experimented with many different approaches to the first day of school in middle school science for over thirty…

Outdoor science activities for middle school science by sinai

Science Activities to Do Outside with Middle School

Science Activities to Do Outside with Middle School Do you want to do science experiments, scavenger hunts and activities outside, with your middle school students, but you’re not sure about what lessons and structures to use? Even if your playground/schoolyard is limited, there are many activities that you can do outside as long as you…

Science bellringers

6 Types of Science Bellringers to Start Your Class

6 Types of Science Bellringers to Start Your Class The first three to five minutes of your class are the most critical. Science bellringers, warm ups, or starters, are highly effective in terms of bringing the students to order. These activities help gather the student’s focus and get them organized. The first few minutes of…