Fun Activities to Teach Physical and Chemical Changes

Fun Activities to Teach Physical and Chemical Changes

Fun Activities to Teach Physical and Chemical Changes Are you looking for ways to teach physical and chemical changes? This is such an important concept but it can be tricky for the students to understand. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I believe constant reinforcement, using different resources, is the way to ensure student…

Teach longitude and latitude while plotting earthquakes and volcanoes

Teach Longitude and Latitude While Plotting Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Teach Longitude and Latitude While Plotting Earthquakes and Volcanoes Can your middle school students read a map? Can they plot a point using longitude and latitude? Do we even need to teach this with GPS so readily available?   I realized my students had trouble using longitude and latitude when we were halfway through my plate…

Biodiversity in food webs with a dice roll game science by sinai

Teach Biodiversity in Food Webs With a Dice Roll Game

Teach Biodiversity in Food Webs With a Dice Roll Game Are you looking for an engaging way to teach biodiversity in food webs? Let’s do it with a game!  My food web, dice roll biodiversity game helps students understand that man-made or natural events can cause serious consequences in a food web. They will realize…