Mistakes I made as a new middle school science teacher – science by Sinai

Mistakes I Made as a New Middle School Science Teacher

Mistakes I Made as a New Middle School Science Teacher If I could go back and correct the mistakes I made as a new middle school science teacher, I’m sure my 30+ year teaching journey would have been much smoother! I’m going to be transparent and tell you some of my biggest mistakes with the…

So how do you develop relationships with middle school

How Do You Develop Relationships with Middle School Students?

How Do You Develop Relationships with Middle School Students? Have you heard that it is crucial that you develop relationships with middle school students, but you don’t know where to start? After teaching middle school science for over 30 years, I feel that developing relationships is definitely the most important tool. Let’s go over some…

Teaching students organizational skills science by sinai

Teaching Students Organizational Skills

Teaching Students Organizational Skills Teaching students organizational skills is critical and will stay with students long after their time in your classroom. I have often had alumni students come back to tell me how much they appreciated my “forcing them“ to do proper Cornell notes and to keep an organized notebook. They tell me that…

Digital science notebooks. Science by sinai

A Day in My Life Using Digital Science Notebooks

A Day in My Life Using Digital Science Notebooks Are you contemplating using highly engaging, digital science notebooks in your classroom?  Do you need convincing?  I’ve been teaching middle school science for 30+ years and the last decade I’ve been using digital notebooks.   I have zero interest in going back to messy, spiral notebooks…

What colleges never told you about being a teacher -Science by Sinai

72 Tips Your College Never Told You About Being A Teacher

72 Tips Your College Never Told You About Being A Teacher What your college never told you about teaching is a lot! Are you a newer teacher? You have probably realized that teachers are basically expected to “learn on the job” in many essential areas. Unless you have a full time mentor teacher, it can…

Science bellringers

6 Types of Science Bellringers to Start Your Class

6 Types of Science Bellringers to Start Your Class The first three to five minutes of your class are the most critical. Science bellringers, warm ups, or starters, are highly effective in terms of bringing the students to order. These activities help gather the student’s focus and get them organized. The first few minutes of…

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal

7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Teacher Journal Why should you keep a teacher journal? Do you scribble notes in your lesson planner about what you taught each day, but never go back and read them? Are you having trouble remembering what you taught to each of your many classes last week? Do you…

Science classroom closet

Basic Supplies You Need in Your Science Classroom

Basic Supplies You Need in Your Science Classroom Are you just starting out as a middle school science teacher and not sure what classroom supplies you should have on hand? Did you inherit a classroom from another teacher and you need to start from scratch? Here are what I would consider the basics that every…

Tips for discipline

10 Tips to Prevent Discipline Problems in Your Classroom

10 Tips to Prevent Discipline Problems in Your Classroom Are you nervous about starting the school year teaching middle school and worried about having discipline problems? Does having the students out of their seats during hands on activities intimidate you? Here are some suggestions on ways to alleviate any major discipline issues BEFORE they develop. Discipline…