Embracing The Mess: Why a “Messy” Science Classroom is a Good Thing

Embracing The Mess: Why a “Messy” Science Classroom is a Good Thing

Embracing The Mess: Why a “Messy” Science Classroom is a Good Thing Do you have a messy science classroom? Are supplies scattered everywhere, with half finished designs, and your students are buzzing with excitement? Guess what? That’s a good thing! A messy classroom isn’t a sign of failure, it’s evidence of active engagement, creativity, and…

10 tips for engaging the disinterested student

10 Tips For Engaging Disinterested Students

10 Tips For Engaging Disinterested Students We all know the struggle of engaging disinterested students no matter how hard we try. Over the years, I’ve found a few strategies that make a difference in my middle school science classroom. I put together ten tips that I have used to try to keep students engaged—even the…

How to create a STEM symbiosis project

How to Help Students Succeed in Science Class

How to Help Students Succeed in Science Class Are your students unsure how they can succeed in science class? Do they constantly ask how they can get an A in your class? We often assume that students have the tools to succeed in science class, but science is a completely different type of class than…

Back to school science teacher starter kit sciencebysinai.com

Back to School Essentials: Middle School Science Teacher Starter Kit

Back to School Essentials: Middle School Science Teacher Starter Kit What’s in a middle school science teacher starter kit? Tons of saved time! How nice would it be to have 25 middle school science teacher ready-to-go resources to start the year?? Let’s go through what is included! #1 Science Teacher Lesson Planner My lesson planner is…

Dealing with students who are reluctant to learn. sciencebysinai.com

Dealing With Students Who Are Reluctant To Learn

Dealing With Students Who Are Reluctant To Learn At some point in our teaching careers, we all encounter students who are reluctant to learn for various reasons. These students can be challenging as they may become disruptive in class.  I’ve put together a brainstorm of methods that I’ve used throughout the years to help engage…

Mistakes I made as a new middle school science teacher – science by Sinai

Mistakes I Made as a New Middle School Science Teacher

Mistakes I Made as a New Middle School Science Teacher If I could go back and correct the mistakes I made as a new middle school science teacher, I’m sure my 30+ year teaching journey would have been much smoother! I’m going to be transparent and tell you some of my biggest mistakes with the…

So how do you develop relationships with middle school

How Do You Develop Relationships with Middle School Students?

How Do You Develop Relationships with Middle School Students? Have you heard that it is crucial that you develop relationships with middle school students, but you don’t know where to start? After teaching middle school science for over 30 years, I feel that developing relationships is definitely the most important tool. Let’s go over some…

Teaching students organizational skills science by sinai

Teaching Students Organizational Skills

Teaching Students Organizational Skills Teaching students organizational skills is critical and will stay with students long after their time in your classroom. I have often had alumni students come back to tell me how much they appreciated my “forcing them“ to do proper Cornell notes and to keep an organized notebook. They tell me that…

End of year science teacher reflections

End of Year Science Teacher Reflections

End of Year Science Teacher Reflections As a science teacher, it is powerful to use end of year teacher reflections to review successes and areas needing improvement.  I strongly believe that the first few days, after the school year ends, should be spent analyzing and evaluating. End of school reflections don’t take much time, but…

Tips for succeeding is a new science teacher in middle school. Science by Sinai

Tips For Success as a New Middle School Science Teacher

Tips For Success as a New Middle School Science Teacher Are you looking for some tips for success as a new middle school science teacher? Where do you start? It can be incredibly overwhelming to step into a new classroom, a new curriculum, new students, a rigorous schedule and high expectations! I still vividly remember…